[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 190xx] [7/k v2] unify debian/copyright and debian.binary/copyright

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Mon Apr 26 16:49:57 UTC 2010

Russ Allbery wrote:
>> Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>>> there is no need to have two slightly different versions of the
>>> copyright file in debian and debian.binary.
>>> The patch merges the few remaining changes from debian.binary/copyright
>>> into debian/copyright.in (packaging copyright notice and initial
>>> packaging date which is further in the past) and adjusts debian/rules to
>>> install debian/copyright into the module source debian/ directory.
> Thanks, this is great.  Applied.

Eventually the packaging copyright should be updated, too, similar to
nvidia-graphics-modules. It is still referring to GPL - was this meant
as GPL2 or GPL2+ originally?

The debian/copyright file which is included in the repository should be
regenerated, to contain all the recent changes.


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