using debconf to clean up conflicting files

Andreas Beckmann andreas at
Mon Dec 13 10:47:29 UTC 2010

On 2010-12-07 17:41, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Andreas Beckmann <debian at> writes:
>> what about using debconf to clean up the problem of files left over from

> Oh, hey, yeah, that could work.  Unfortunately, I'm also in a similar
> situation: work is really, really busy right now, and I won't have time to
> look at this before the squeeze release.

>> The (pre-)configuration should fail as long as /usr/bin/nvidia-installer
>> does still exist.
> That also sounds like a really solid idea.

I implemented a first attempt, just using some Yes/No questions. Wording
of the templates may be improved. It was not carefully tested.
I think we should get 195.36.31-7 out into unstable so that people can
try it out and report problems. If this approach seems to work, lets try
to get this into squeeze.

libgl1-nvidia-alternatives detects /usr/bin/nvidia-installer and cares
for it being removed, ideally by nvidia-installer --uninstall.

nvidia-glx cares for any remaining /usr/lib/*.* being removed
before ldconfig can mess around with them.

It will fail in non-interactive mode or with priority=critical, but I
think that is OK since this only happens if "broken" systems are
detected, so not during clean new installations.

For making this more general, I'd suggest to
a) rename source package nvidia-kernel-common to nvidia-common
b) add a nvidia-common binary package that does the same as I just
hacked into libgl1-nvidia-alternatives.
c) have all nvidia-glx* libgl1-nvidia* nvidia-settings nvidia-xconfig
packages Pre-Depends: nvidia-common to make sure nvidia-installer is
removed first (and cannot be installed again at later time).
(nvidia-common needs to be in main to be used by nvidia-xocnfig and


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