[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#570191: nvidia-kernel-common: udev "cannot excecute /lib/udev/nvidia-kernel"

Dennis 123321 dennis123321 at googlemail.com
Wed Feb 17 06:56:04 UTC 2010

Subject: nvidia-kernel-common: udev "cannot excecute /lib/udev/nvidia-kernel"
Package: nvidia-kernel-common
Version: 20100216+2
Severity: critical

After seeing this long awaited package update fixed the conf file
warning, I eagearly updated :)
Unfortunately, a file permission is set wrong.

Installing this package makes udev spam hundreds of lines of "cannot
excecute /lib/udev/nvidia-kernel" on boot.

The fix was extremely simple however, /lib/udev/nvidia-kernel is not
marked as executable! a quick chmod +x and everything is how it should

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