[pkg-nvidia-devel] [patch 190xx] [34/k] add a new-orig-tar-gz target and simplify instructions

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sun May 2 22:33:22 UTC 2010


attached patch adds a new target new-orig-tar-gz to debian/rules that
creates a new *.orig.tar.gz from already downloaded new *.run files. So
you can actually create a new *.orig.tar.gz by running two commands:

    uscan --verbose
    debian/rules new-orig-tar-gz NVIDIA_RELEASE=XYZ.ABC

The patch also updates README.source accordingly.

If there is a more commonly used name for a target that creates an
.orig.tar.gz tarball, feel free to rename new-orig-tar-gz to this more
common name.

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