[pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#479741: Bug#479741: Bug#479741: please create packages for all the applications included in the original nvidia driver

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed May 12 17:07:49 UTC 2010

retitle 479741 please update nvidia-xconfig
reassign 479741 nvidia-xconfig

On Wednesday, 7. May 2008 16:24:36 Jordi Pujol wrote:
> if it can help,
> included are the package diffs for the latest nvidia-xconfig and for
> nvidia-settings version 169.12,

I'm reassigning this bug to nvidia-xconfig because
a) the packages won't be built from nvidia-graphics-drivers source due to the 
free/non-free issue
b) nvidia-settings has been kept current for several driver releases

The patch for nvidia-xconfig is now 2 years old, so I'm not setting the patch 
tag. But eventually you can provide us with a patch matching 195.36.24?


PS: we should put a note to nvidia-graphics-drivers/debian/README.source 
describing that nvidia-settings and nvidia-xconfig are not built from that 
package for a reason

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