Bug#554169: Option AddARGBGLXVisuals in xorg.conf with nvidia driver causes improper function of OpenGL apps

Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo jcamen at lsi.uji.es
Mon Feb 14 15:45:07 UTC 2011

El vie, 10-09-2010 a las 09:17 +0200, Andreas Beckmann escribió:
> On Tuesday, 31. August 2010 21:16:39 Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> > On 2010-08-31 18:53, Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo wrote:
> > >>> confirmed. The problem is related to Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals". I have
> > >>> deleted this option from xorg.conf and everything works fine, but no
> > >>> more 3D visual effects in kwin! :-( (composition temporarily
> > >>> suspended).
> > >
> > > Sorry, I use the nvidia driver binary provided by nvidia. In debian
> > > testing there are no packages for legacy drivers in 96-branch (the one I
> > > need for my old GPU).
> >
> > Working on it. Once the current version is polished, we'll update the
> > legacy packages.
> New Debian packages of 96.43.18 are available in unstable. If you want to 
> switch, first use the Nvidia uninstaller to remove the driver installation 
> made with the Nvidia installer.
> > > Anyway, I have just downloaded and compiled 96.43.18 from nvidia.com and
> > > problems remain with option AddARGBGLXVisuals (I have just tested).
> The bug itself seems to be in the proprietary driver, so we can't to anything 
> about it. You may want to report this problem to upstream following Nvidia's 
> bug reporting instructions: 
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46678
> As you'll have to run their nvidia-bug-report.sh script, we can't forward the 
> issue to upstream for you. In case you submit a bug report upstream, please 
> leave a note (and an URL) here, so we can mark this report as forwarded to 
> upstream.
> Andreas

First of all, sorry for the late answer. I have been on depart for last
four months.

The problem is related to libvdpau, I think. I use the package from
Debian (I reinstall it after installing the package from nvidia) and
everything works fine till I enable 3D effects in KDE desktop. If I
don't use Debian's libvdpau 3D effects on KDE work OK, but then I can't
run mplayer, for instance. In testing there are no Nvidia libvdpau
packages. Maybe now, that Debian 6.0 is out, these packages will
smoothly enter in testing. I remain in testing, these are the contents
of my sources.list:

teseo:~# grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list
deb ftp://ftp.de.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org testing main non-free

So I can report if everything is OK when those packages arrive. By the
way, are you missing any source in the lines above? Thanks a lot!


Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo <jcamen at lsi.uji.es>
Depto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos (UJI)

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