Bug#532320: This seems the right thing to do...

Ivan Baldo ibaldo at adinet.com.uy
Fri May 13 23:33:08 UTC 2011

     This seems the right thing to do, if the user puts a special 
setting in the nvidia-settings program then it expects that setting to 
remain for the next reboot and not to have to load the program to apply 
the setting again.
     I use all default settings but anyway...
     Thanks for looking this.
     Have a nice day!!!

Ivan Baldo - ibaldo at adinet.com.uy - http://ibaldo.codigolibre.net/
 From Montevideo, Uruguay, at the south of South America.
Freelance programmer and GNU/Linux system administrator, hire me!
Alternatives: ibaldo at codigolibre.net - http://go.to/ibaldo

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