Bug#394945: Bug#375179/#394945: libxnvctrl and sensors-applet

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Tue May 17 10:44:03 UTC 2011

Has there been any progress on these very old bugs?

On Wednesday, 12. December 2007 12:01:25 Alex Murray wrote:
> > The difference is that if hddtemp is not installed, the hddtemp module
> > simply fails to run the hddtemp program. But if libXNVCtrl is not
> > installed, the whole program will fail to load because of the missing
> > shared library (assuming that libXNVCtrl even is a shared library...
> > back when it was included in nvidia-settings it was only shipped as a
> > static library).

> But libNVCtrl could be packaged separately (as it is GPL2) and
> sensors-applet could depend on it, then sensors-applet would load fine
> and it could all work as I described previously.

There is now a separate libxnvctrl-dev package (in contrib) containing the 
headers and a static library - this stuff was not really suited to the 
nvidia-settings package. In case there are more things missing (more headers, 
another library, ... there might be some additional code available in the 
nvidia-settings source package), please let me know.
If you need a shared library, a patch would be welcome, I never looked into 
the creation of shared libraries.

> > I think we decided in
> > <http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=434887> that that way
> > to fix this is to make the various sensors-applet modules into DSOs that
> > can be dlopen'd ...

This has happened inbetween ... so someone needs to write a nvidia module for 
sensors-applet which needs to go into contrib ...

On Tuesday, 24. October 2006 02:56:29 Sam Morris wrote:
> retitle -1 sensors-applet: libXNVCtrl can't read sensors of certain
> graphics cards

> So, it seems that libXNVCtrl can't read the sensors on our cards. I'm
> not sure about how best to contact upstream (NVIDIA) about this.

Could you retry with the latest version of nvidia-settings (and 
libxnvctrl-dev) available in unstable?

And if this does not work, try to look here:


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