Bug#558785: nvidia-settings: Detect Displayes doesn't update Display Configuration pane if external display is changed

Chris AtLee chris at atlee.ca
Tue May 17 13:31:10 UTC 2011

Would love to, except I'm currently not able to do anything in the "X
Server Display Configuration Panel", it shows this message:

Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page:

Failed to find display device 0x00000001 on screen 0 (on GPU-0)
while parsing metamode:

'CRT-0: nvidia-auto-select @1920x1080 +1600+0'

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:58 AM, Andreas Beckmann <debian at abeckmann.de> wrote:
> On Monday, 30. November 2009 15:47:42 Chris AtLee wrote:
>> Package: nvidia-settings
>> Version: 185.18.31-1
> Could you retry this with the current version of nvidia-settings
> (270.41.06-1)?
> Thanks
> Andreas

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