Bug#627119: nvidia-glx ext are loaded but compiz/kde-effects causes Xserver freeze

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Tue May 17 22:37:11 UTC 2011

On 2011-05-17 21:43, Marcin Woźny wrote:
> Package: nvidia-glx
> Version: 270.41.06-1
> Severity: important
> after last (3-4 days ago) wheezy update (nvidia drivers, libc etc) there a
not to forget Xorg 1.9 -> 1.10
> problem that makes login to system with enabled compiz or kde-kwin effect
> imposible (Xserver freeze).
> i've got enabled nvidia extensions (that's why kde's trying to turn on kwin-
> effects) log below.
> My graphic card's geforce 7300LE

An interesting test would be to downgrade Xorg to 1.9 (old packages can
be found on http://snapshot.debian.org/) and test again in this setup to
see if the problem is related to the Xorg upgrade (this does not mean
it's a bug in Xorg 1.10 - could be just bad interaction between nvidia
and Xorg 1.10). If that does not solve the problem, downgrading the
driver (260.xx was previously in testing/wheezy) would be the next step,
which hopefully should restore the working setup.

Anyway, there is not much we can do about this, the problem needs to be
reported to nvidia directly. To do this, follow the instructions here:
Please post an URL to a forum thread you created (or an existing one
describing exactly the same problem where you might provide more
information). That way we can follow progress and have a pointer for
other useres that may encounter the same problem.

In case you test downgrading to do some regression tests you should run
nvidia-bug-report.sh in each configuration and collect the generated
output files, as the difference between the setups might give some clues.
Different configurations already mean the current setup without effects
(if I understood you correctly, this is working) and with effects, when
it's crashing.



PS: if you have binutils-gold installed, remove this package and
reinstall nvidia-kernel-dkms afterwards

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