Bug#627119: nvidia-glx ext are loaded but compiz/kde-effects causes Xserver freeze

Marcin s4ncho at gazeta.pl
Thu May 19 20:24:37 UTC 2011

no problem:)

here's my workaround for debian wheezy:
First of all i'd to downgrade xserver to 1.7-7.13 (to be able to downgrade
nvidia to 260.19.44. it needs xserver-xorg-core <1.7.7).

I've add 3 repos (1 for nvidia, 2 xorg, 3 just in case for nvidia-common)
from snapshot.debian.org. It was probalby those 3:
deb [url]http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20110507T092547Z/[/url]testing
deb [url]http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20110317T092833Z/[/url]sid
deb [url]http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20110316T215302Z[/url]sid
and turned off other debian repos

then there's a time problem with refreshing that repos. Refresh needs to be
done like that:
[quote]sudo aptitude -o 'Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false' update[/quote]

after that i've deleted all nvidia-* libglx-whatever libgl1-something, and
all xserver-xorg packages.

after installation (from snapshot repos) xserver-xorg and nvidia drivers
there still was error with mismatch nvidia with nvidia kernel module.
[quote]sudo modeprobe -r nvidia[/quote] finnaly finished my war with nvidia

2011/5/19 Andreas Beckmann <debian at abeckmann.de>

> tags 627119 - moreinfo
> forwarded 627119 http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=160115
> thanks
> Hi Marcin,
> thanks for testing several combinations. Now it seems pretty clear that
> the problem is independent from the Xorg version and according to the
> forum thread it may be related to GeForce 7300 GPUs.
> Now we can only hope for a new upstream release fixing this issue.
> Andreas
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