Bug#643712: GNOME or GTK slow down

David Rogers ezekiel000 at lavabit.com
Mon Oct 3 12:05:51 UTC 2011

I found that it is only the controls part of the themes that cause the 
slow down.
The following control themes have slow down:
- Adwaita
- Clearlooks
- ClearlooksClassic
- Darklooks
- DebianRed
- Glossy
- Gorilla
- Indubstrial
- Industrial
- Unity

The following control themes don't have slow down:
- Amaranth
- Crux
- Glider
- HighContrast
- HighContrastInverse
- LowContrast
- Lush
- Mist
- Nuvola
- Raleigh
- Redmond
- Simple
- SphereCrystal
- ThinIce
- Wasp

I also found this slow down happens with the notification bubbles and 
the gdm login window.
So I have disabled the notification daemon and switched my controls to 
Gilder for now.


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