Bug#640019: [nvidia-kernel-source] No longer works

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Thu Sep 1 15:07:59 UTC 2011

On 2011-09-01 16:48, David Baron wrote:
> Previously installed version (including related software and alternatives 
> packages) failed on kdm start. Error cited was ABI incompatabiliy. The 
> suggested option -ignoreABI--I have no idea where to apply it.

nvidia-glx is incompatible with Xorg Xserver 1.11.0, please use 1.10.x
from testing. Upstream (NVIDIA) does not yet support 1.11.

> I removed the packages and attempted a reinstall
> Both dkms and m-a builds fail to install the module (even though there is no 
> dkms notification of such).

That's not a helpful problem description.


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