Bug#641344: [nvidia-glx] Graphics errors after upgrading to xserver with abi 11

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Mon Sep 12 18:54:37 UTC 2011

On 2011-09-12 20:25, Franz Schrober wrote:
> I have a lot of graphics errors after updating my system to the xserver with abi 11. It is hard to write the bug report because I cannot see many gui elements in kde 4. They look like the screen errors I got after using the nvidia driver 285 with the ignore abi option and the abi 11 xorg.

There is not much we can do about this ourselves. Please check the
NVIDIA forum and report this there (or add more information to an
existing report):
Please post an URL to a forum thread to this Debian bug report, so that
we may follow progress.

To fix the graphics errors you might try to downgrade all the Xorg
packages to the version from testing (after running the
nvidia-bug-report.sh script in the current setup to collect information
required by nvidia).


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