Bug#599769: the xorg server consumes ram without freeing it whilst using a 3d, application

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Sat Feb 18 21:05:03 UTC 2012


On 2011-05-29 10:14, macarthur wrote:
> I'm unable to try the ones since 270.* and later, since I'm unable to
> attempt to use 3d. Whenever I do, my graphics cards temperature
> increases rapidly to over 80*C and doesn't stop until 100*C within a
> minute or so of use. And since I don't want to risk further harm to the
> system, I'll be unable to attempt to use the latest ones. Once I have a
> computer with an nvidia card again, I'll resume testing. But until then,
> this bug will have to stay as it currently is(which i imagine is
> unconfirmed) or whatever it is.  I hope to have a new one within the
> next few months.

Did you get a new system in the meantime? Did you any further tests on
this old bug?

Current drivers are 290.10 in testing and 295.20 in unstable.


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