repository for nvidia-cg-toolkit (was: Re: RFS: nvidia-cg-toolkit (updated package))

Andreas Beckmann debian at
Tue Feb 21 18:54:52 UTC 2012

On 2012-02-21 19:27, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Alternately, we could create a Git repository in the pkg-nvidia area, if
> people would prefer, and I can add people to the relevant Alioth project.

I think that would be the best option - why didn't I think about this
myself? Let's not scatter the repositories too far.
We can just clone collab-maint/nvidia-cg-toolkit.git and push a final
commit "Move packaging repository to ...pkg-nvidia..." to the old one.
Going that way, we could also have commit mails :-)
Russ, can you set that repository up?

Miguel, please join the alioth project pkg-nvidia
(There is a "Request to join" link somewhere.)


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