review request for the debconf templates used by the nvidia graphics driver [non-free]

Justin B Rye jbr at
Tue Jul 10 15:51:18 UTC 2012

Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>> Debconf notes are of course deprecated, though then again so are
> Didn't know that. And lintian didn't tell me :-)

I suppose I am overstating it, but there is for instance DevRef 6.5.1
urging that they be avoided where possible.  Oh, and a lintian check
possible-debconf-note-abuse, but that only objects if it's

>> non-free drivers, so maybe they deserve one another.  Would it be
>> possible to just put this warning in the package description?
> That is an option ... although people probably don't read descriptions
> like they don't read the README, and instead report
>>> Template: nvidia-support/removed-but-enabled-in-xorg-conf
>> No extra complaints other than the standard one for "Type: note";
>> could this one perhaps be promoted to "Type: error"?
> OK, sounds reasonable as it will break X if no action is taken.

I'll wait and see if Christian has an opinion on these.

>> (I would say "the only option"; less logical but more idiomatic.)
> or "the best option" ... (Re Jonathan's comment)

JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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