review request for the debconf templates used by the nvidia graphics driver [non-free]

Jonathan Nieder jrnieder at
Tue Jul 10 16:13:57 UTC 2012

Andreas Beckmann wrote:

> How does kmod handle symlinks in /etc/modprobe.d or /lib/modprobe.d that
> point somewhere outside?
> * copy the file (then we can use a slave alternative)
> * create a dangling symlink (then we can't because we need to get the
> blacklist into the initrd)

initramfs-tools's mkinitramfs (which handles /etc/modprobe.d) and the
hook in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/kmod (which handles
/lib/modprobe.d) use "cp -a", which creates a dangling symlink.

Whoever is responsible for setting up alternatives could add their own
initramfs-tools hook, though.  But then how do you ensure the admin
knows to rebuild the initramfs when switching alternatives?

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