please test 173.14.27-3

Russ Allbery rra at
Fri Jun 15 20:05:45 UTC 2012

Andreas Beckmann <debian at> writes:

> could you test 173.14.27-3 from SVN:
> nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-173xx/branches/173.14.27-squeeze
> IIRC you had hardware that works with that old driver ...
> Only the kernel module needs to be rebuilt from the new (and patched)
> source, everything else is unchanged from 173.14.27-2 (in squeeze).

Do you need testing of the squeeze version in particular?  The system that
has that hardware is currently running unstable.  (I can confirm that the
legacy driver version in unstable works great, including with the current server.)

(I'm currently away from that system due to vacation, but will be back in
town on Monday.)

Russ Allbery (rra at               <>

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