Bug#661253: Trying 295.33

Tomasz Rybak tomasz.rybak at post.pl
Thu Mar 29 20:33:31 UTC 2012

Dnia 2012-03-29, czw o godzinie 15:12 +0100, Russel Winder pisze:
> Thanks to Julian for setting up trying to do a backport to an earlier
> NVIDIA driver using Debian packages. I haven't tried that yet but I hope
> to do so next week.  In the interim I tried cleaning out all the nvidia
> and related packages and installing from the NVIDIA distribution file. I
> tried 290.10. It seemed to install correctly. On reboot GDM3 starts
> fine. Logging in to GNOME 3 fails, I just get the "Oh no" page. Logging
> in with GNOME 2 works fine.  I then put back all the 295.33 package
> including the "remove the NVIDIA installer" package. Exactly the same
> behaviour. This would seem to imply a problem with GNOME 3. Whether
> there is still a problem with spontaneous X terminations I now cannot
> tell as I cannot actually use the systems at all now :-(( 

Your problem might be related with Network Manager:
I have similar problem - after I upgraded the system and rebooted,
I could not start GNOME. Ironically (and unlike you) in my case
it was AMD machine (using fglrx). My laptop with NVIDIA ION
came up without problems after upgrade to 295.33.

Downgrading Network Manager related packages to versions from 
testing helped - my AMD-based system cames up without problems.
Packages I had to downgrade (from 0.9.4 in unstable to 0.9.2 in testing)
to have working system:
 * gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0
 * libnm-glib4
 * libnm-glib-vpn1
 * libnm-gtk0
 * libnm-gtk-common
 * libnm-util2

Hope that helps.

Tomasz Rybak  GPG/PGP key ID: 2AD5 9860
Fingerprint A481 824E 7DD3 9C0E C40A  488E C654 FB33 2AD5 9860

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