xz compression

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Sep 12 23:05:11 UTC 2012

On 2012-09-12 21:43, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Oh, okay, I misread the get-orig-source target for nvidia-cuda-toolkit; I
> thought it looked like it was unpacking the *.run files and building an
> *.orig.tar.gz of the internal contents.

No, now there is a cuda-*.run that contains three .run archives:
developer driver, examples and the cudatoolkit-*.run that we need.
So the "repacking" is just "give me the .run that I know to handle".

Real repacking could probably reduce the .orig.tar.xz size significantly
(the 2 .runs now sum up to nearly 900 MB, it was even above 1GB with the
extra .runs hidden in there), as there is a lot of duplicate stuff now,
e.g. 4 copies of eclipse ({nvvp, nsight} x {i386, amd64}, but currently
they are shipped-as-delivered anyway, I was experimenting a lot to use
the system eclipse installation with 4.1 and finally gave up (see
#660908)) - the .orig.tar.gz has doubled its size from 4.2 to 5.0


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