Bug#688749: Add alternatives for nvidia-settings and nvidia-settings-legacy-173xx

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Tue Sep 25 12:22:15 UTC 2012

On 2012-09-25 13:16, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Please add alternatives for the current and legacy nvidia-settings
> packages to make them co-installable. This is yet another necessary fix
> to have both drivers available on Debian Live systems.

Is this something you want to see in wheezy? In that case please ask for
a freeze exception. Otherwise this will be delayed after the release.

you need some quotes there ...

304xx will be a new legacy branch, probably we need to fork
nvidia-settings-legacy-304xx, so we should keep this in mind and could
use proper names right from the beginning ...

The #LEGACY_OR_CURRENT# approach does not work for 96xx with has to use
#SETTINGS_SUFFIX# might be more generic

If we rename nvidia-settings.png to nvidia-settings$SUFFIX.png and use
this in the .desktop file, we can avoid an alternative.

With your patch, the menu entry will only be available if
nvidia-alternative is installed, while the binaries/manpage can be
reached with their specific names (not the generic nvidia-settings name).

What happens if we use nvidia-settings$SUFFIX.desktop (and no
alternative for this one, too)?


PS: ACK for the two other menu updates.

PPS: a single bug which affects the other packages would have been
sufficient for the beginning (or even assigned to the 4 packages:
Package: pkg1,pkg2,pkg3,pkg4) as it reduces the number of copies of the
patches floating around ... lets keep discussion and updates here

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