Bug#688861: freeze exception: libxvmc/1.0.7-1.1 - adding a libxvmc1-i386:i386 package

Andreas Beckmann debian at abeckmann.de
Wed Sep 26 12:06:33 UTC 2012

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: unblock

Please approve the following changes for package libxvmc

As we are not going to get libxvmc turned to multi-arch for wheezy (see
#640499) I'm now trying another approach with minimal changes to the
libxvmc package:

Can we add a new package

	Package: libxvmc1-i386
	Section: libs
	Priority: extra
	Architecture: i386
	Multi-arch: same
	Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
	Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, x11-common
	Description: X11 Video extension library (alternate i386 package)

that ships another copy of the libraries in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
To avoid installing libxvmc1-i386:i386 and libxvmc1:i386 at the same
time and have two copies of the same library available, I'm adding

	Package: libxvmc1
	Conflicts: libxvmc1-i386 [i386]

and to avoid picking up a dependency on libxvmc1-i386 by accident, its
shlibs file points to libxvmc1.

I added a lintian-overrides file, but that is not being installed as I
wanted to avoid changing anything in debian/rules.

Note that this new package does not ship the conffile as it is expected
to be only installed along libxvmc1:amd64 which comes with the conffile.
(This dependency can't be expressed by package relationships.)

This will keep the existing non-multiarch libxvmc1 unchanged, the build
system is untouched, nothing will start to use the alternate copy
package accidently. For libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386 to actually pick up this
alternate library, we need to add a shlibs.local file (in
nvidia-graphics-drivers) with
	libXvMC 1 libxvmc1 | libxvmc1-i386 [i386]

I chose to add the extra package to the libxvmc source package as that
will avoid forking (and therefore code duplication) and getting libxvmc1
and libxvmc1-i386 out of sync. Even with a second copy in the a binary
package in the archive, there is no overhead in case a security update
for libxvmc should be neccessary.

Judging by the number of bug reports, it is really important for our
users to restore the ability to run 32-bit OpenGL applications on a
amd64 system and get accelleration by the non-free nvidia driver.
That was working in squeeze and will be considered as a serious
regression if this is not getting fixed in some way for wheezy.
See e.g. #685054, #686033, #676723, #688714

I'll be happy to assist getting a proper multi-arch libxvmc into jessie
and to clean up this temporary package that we need for wheezy.

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