Bug#755020: [nvidia-driver] upgrading system left my box without X/network

Alexander Heinlein alexander.heinlein at web.de
Fri Jul 18 15:33:09 UTC 2014

Package: xserver-xorg-video-nvidia
Followup-For: Bug #755020


same problem here. But I managed to downgrade to the previous version by
following Thiago's instructions. Esentially I just added this line to

deb http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20140715T222335Z/ testing main contrib non-free

Then after performing an apt-get update, I downgraded with the help of
aptitude (unfortunately apt-get didn't manage to resolve the conflicts

aptitude install nvidia-driver=331.67-2 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia=331.67-2

I accepted the second solution offered by aptitude (downgrading lots of
xserver-xorg packages) and that's it. Just don't perform an upgrade until
the problem is fixed.


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