Bug#747837: nvidia-settings: upload to main

Michael Gilbert mgilbert at debian.org
Mon May 12 02:08:48 UTC 2014

On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Vincent Cheng wrote:
> The only possible solution I can think of is for Andreas to distribute
> nvidia-settings as two separate source packages, e.g. src:libxnvctrl
> in main that builds the shared lib and dev packages, and
> src:nvidia-settings in contrib that builds nvidia-settings. I can
> however attest to the fact that splitting a source package in this
> manner (the same way I did with conky and conky-all) is annoying and
> is more work, so I'd understand if Andreas refuses to do so and tags
> this bug wontfix.

It's actually possible to ship binary packages in a different section
than the source package.  Hence, it may be as easy as stripping
contrib/ from the libxnvctl entries in debian/control.

Best wishes,

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