nvidia-graphics-modules rebuilt for Linux 3.14

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sat May 24 14:49:08 UTC 2014


I just uploaded nvidia-graphics-modules 319.82+3.14+1~bpo70+1 to the
backports queue, current version in backports is 319.82+3.12+1~bpo70+1.
This is just a rebuild for the new kernel in backports, therefore it
involves several package name changes: *-3.12-* -> *-3.14-*.
The kernel bump is encoded in the package version, too, therefore this
has a ~bpo70+1 suffix and no ~bpo70+2 or similar. There are no changelog
entries missing - the 319.82+3.14 combination wasn't in sid or jessie
since that already has a newer upstream version. The
nvidia-graphics-modules package in wheezy-backports is useless if it
does not track the combination of nvidia-graphics-drivers and linux in

331.xx in testing/sid has a lot of upstream changes that I'm still
sorting out and is no candidate for backports, yet. The 319.82 release
is from a "long lived branch" (that may see even further upstream
releases) and is really stable (may just not support the latest
hardware). So I want to keep in in backports until it can be replaced by
an comparably stable version.


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