r5248 - in /packages/nvidia-cuda-toolkit/trunk/debian: changelog rules rules.defs

Graham Inggs graham at nerve.org.za
Wed Feb 25 16:24:05 UTC 2015

On 24/02/2015 16:46, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Do we gain anything from compressing the .run files with xz? IIRC we
> didn't, so I stayed with gz here because it's faster, but I don't mind.

In 6.0, with the full amd64 and i386 installers, the saving was around 50MB.
A small percentage, but still a significant amount of space.
In 6.5, with the minimal i386 installer, it's down to around 25MB.
I agree gz is much faster, but one of us only needs to prepare the 
orig.tar once per upstream release.

You can save time by grabbing my orig.tar from Launchpad:


> we should rather make that CUDA_VERSION_APPENDIX_X86{,_64}


Since r5260, I have no further local changes to make.
If you have no suggestions, I think it can be uploaded to experimental.

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