Bug#755683: nvidia-driver: Same problem after upgrading from 319.82-1~bpo70+2 to 340.65-2~bpo70+1

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Wed Jan 14 20:08:37 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-14 20:25, Gordon Farquharson wrote:
> I have the same problem with screen lags and redraws as other posters have mentioned. This started happening after upgrading from 319.82-1~bpo70+2 to 340.65-2~bpo70+1.

You could try 343.36 from experimental. It is installable in
wheezy+wheezy-backports without problems. This is an official release
(no beta) and only sitting in experimental because we are in freeze for
the jessie release which will get a 340.xx driver - and unstable is
needed for staging any possible 340.xx. update that shall go into jessie.

(nvidia-settings from experimental won't be installable in
wheezy+wheezy-backports due to dependencies on too new libraries)


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