Bug#783770: Fwd: [Patch] Shall we update CUDA to 7.0.28 ? (#783770)

lumin cdluminate at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 15:08:59 UTC 2015


On Fri, 2015-11-13 at 15:21 +0100, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Thanks for your contribution that will hopefully help getting cuda 7.0
> or 7.5 packages out faster.

I do hope so. :-)

> > FYI: As far as I know, in my experiments,
> > a Tesla K20C GPU works 5+ times faster than an Intel Xeon W3690.
> That's not a reason for rushing to CUDA 7.0 or later.  A K20C will work
> fine with CUDA 6.5.  Also, helping free software to support NVIDIA GPUs
> would help avoiding the issue :)

Well, I mean Caffe could work without CUDA but it is slow, so in order
to boost Caffe up I need a set of working build-deps, i.e.
we should import CUDA 7.5, which should be OK working with GCC-5.

> I guess there is no way to backport the CUDA 7.5 fixes to support GCC-5?
> (damn the non-free software...)

I think there is nearly no way doing so, even if we know what to change
to backport GCC-5 support into CUDA 7.0. That's because the CUDA's EULA
FORBIDS ANY KIND OF MODIFICATION, e.g. strip'ing the huge ELFs...
So ........

> Urgl, so CUDA 7.0 is not even enough?
> I guess we may want to skip 7.0 and directly upload 7.5.

Yes, NVCC 7.0.27 (shipped in CUDA 7.0.28, the version number is correct)
still complains about G{CC,++} >> 4.10. That means CUDA 7.0 refuses to
work with GCC-5 in my case.

So can we skip CUDA 7.0 ?

If that's OK, then I'll be glad to get CUDA 7.5 and
import&build&test it again.

> So yes, the answer is: "please be patient, we are working on it. Help is
> welcome".

I plan to take care of this package for some time.

Thank you for comment :-)
 .''`.                                               Lumin
: :' :                         
`. `'   
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