Bug#783770: Fwd: [Patch] Shall we update CUDA to 7.0.28 ? (#783770)

lumin cdluminate at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 05:46:17 UTC 2015


On Sat, 2015-11-14 at 05:18 +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> [ dropping debian-devel@ ]
> Thanks for your patches.
> I've started integrating them into svn :-)

Thank you for accepting them :-)

> Therefore I've uploaded the current experimental cuda toolkit version to
> sid, which will be uninstallable without a driver from experimental, but
> that should clean in about a week once the current driver series
> hopefully migrates to testing without any new bugs :-) and I can push it
> to jessie-backports. Once that has happened, sid will receive newer
> drivers :-)

OK, I'll start importing CUDA 7.5 then.

> most of your todo list is solved:

Thank you for solving them ;-)

> +  * [more or less done] update get-orig-source in d/rules
> +  * [todo] update watch / watch.in

I noticed that the watch.in from the current svn trunk
works correctly.

> +  * [todo] check the compatible gcc version
> +    - d/rules: 's/__GNUC_MINOR__ > 8/__GNUC_MINOR__ > 9/'
> +  * [todo] check --list-missing for missing docs.

According to my observation, nvcc 7.0.27 (from CUDA 7.0.28)
refuses to work with gcc >= 4.10 , and it really works with 
gcc-4.9 .

> also check whether we needed anything uninstalled from these directories:
> usr/share/gdb/
> usr/extras/Debugger/

Following is copied from CUDA 7.0's release notes:

CUDA-GDB Sources
CUDA-GDB sources are available as follows:
‣ For CUDA Toolkit 7.0 and newer, in the installation directory extras/.
The directory is created by default during the toolkit installation unless the
.rpm/.deb package installers are used. In this case, the cuda-gdb-src package
must be manually installed.
‣ For CUDA Toolkit 6.5, 6.0, and 5.5, at https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-gdb.
‣ For CUDA Toolkit 5.0 and earlier, at ftp://download.nvidia.com/CUDAOpen64/.
‣ Upon request by sending an e-mail to mailto:oss-requests at nvidia.com.

Maybe we should add a new package named nvidia-cuda-gdb-src ?

> do we need the libraries in stubs/ ?

Exactly I don't know what they are used for ...
By the name I guess they are used to stub the GPU. 
Let's provide a libcuda-stubs package?

> Lintian reports several privacy-breach-generic in nsight and nvvp,
> these probably need similar handling like we already do for -doc ...
> So far I haven't tested it at all beyond building the package.

The trunk packaging files passes the build on my sid.
I'm just an amateur at CUDA so I don't know how to test CUDA
except for the nvidia compilers.


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