Bug#799960: nvidia-graphics-drivers: Please bring back support for -amd64 kernel variant in i386 architecture

Mert Dirik mertdirik at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 22:52:06 UTC 2015

On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 23:07:03 +0200 Andreas Beckmann <anbe at debian.org> wrote:
 > On 2015-09-24 20:02, Mert Dirik wrote:
 > > Please consider bringing the support back for the -amd64 variant.
 > That [sc]hould work with nvidia-kernel-dkms:amd64.

If I understand correctly, you recommend installing
"nvidia-driver nvidia-kernel-dkms:amd64" instead of just"nvidia-driver"
(which is what I would do normally), right?

I've yet to try it on a real system but on a i386 chroot it seems 
feasible. Only other
amd64 package it brings is nvidia-kernel-common:amd64, the rest are 
native packages.

I'll close this bug since I'll not be able to try 
nvidia-kernel-dkms:amd64 immediately.

Yet I can give a feedback, though: I said installing just 
"nvidia-driver" was what I were doing.
When I did that, everything installed fine, but dkms step failed 
mysteriously. Logs were not
clear on indicating the problem or hinting at the right direction. I 
think there may be a room
for improvement in this regard, but unfortunately I don't have a 
specific ideas on how to do

Thanks for the prompt response and sorry for the misunderstanding.

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