
Bernat Arlandis bernat.arlandis at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 22:39:36 UTC 2016

El lun., 4 abr. 2016 a las 12:10, Luca Boccassi (<luca.boccassi at gmail.com>)

> Thanks, this is useful info. If you run
> /usr/lib/nvidia/check-for-mismatching-nvidia-module manually now (with
> the current version as the parameter, eg: "340.96"), does it still
> hang? If so, could you please add "set -x" at the top and run again,
> to see where it hangs exactly?

It's not hanging anymore. I'm sorry I didn't think about this myself. I
hope someone having this problem can try it since this could certainly
help. I've tried reproducing with a few steps but it didn't happen again.

> When you installed the legacy and removed the current, do you still
> have the logs? Which packages exactly did you remove? Did you issue a
> --purge?  There might be a log in /var/log/apt/history.log

I'm attaching the logs.

> Not all packages are duplicated between -current and -legacy, one of
> the possibilities is that one of those got removed and that's what
> might have caused the issue.

I don't know exactly what I did. I don't use this computer very much and
there were some time lapses between the actions that led to this situation.
I didn't have a clear idea of the actions to take to upgrade to the legacy
driver, and I like to fiddle with packages plus the upgrades in testing, so
it's very possible that I broke something but I didn't ever force the
package manager to do anything.

By looking at the logs it seems I installed the legacy packages while the
current driver was installed, then tried to remove the current driver by
purging nvidia-driver and nvidia-driver-bin, after that some package
upgrading and installing.

Bernat Arlandis
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