Bug#822330: bumblebee : unable to work with any newer driver than 340.96 - even backported bumblebee-nvidia install doesn't work (failed to set DRM interface version 1.4 too)

Julien ROBIN julien.robin28 at free.fr
Sat Apr 23 23:15:56 UTC 2016

Hi Luca,

It's interesting that you can get it working, it's also a little bit surprising : it means that there is something wrong with my hardware or software settings - and for setting the entire system, I followed the very most straightforward standard installation... anyway, hard or soft, let's investigate :

Here is the additional information :

The command "reportbug -N 822330 nvidia-driver" gives nothing, after less than 1 second it closes without saying anything. 
In compensation, here is attached to this email, syslog content and Xorg.8.log, it's telling a lot of things but as I know that a lot of warning, errors etc are "normal" or common to all kind of different problems source, I let you investigate !

xserver-xorg-legacy is not installed, update-glx is installed as 0.7.2~bpo8+1 and set to "auto", on "/usr/lib/nvidia/bumblebee" for providing "/usr/lib/glx" (it already was).
After a reboot no difference.

As you can't reproduce the bug, feel free to ask me about any additional test or information
Best regards,

Julien ROBIN
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