Legacy driver package missing from Debian Stretch...?

Yvan Laguë ylague at oricom.ca
Tue Dec 13 12:48:05 UTC 2016

HI from Quebec City, Canada...

I am running Debian testing (Stretch) with a NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT video 
card, using the proprietary legacy driver usually provided by the 
nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver package, which seems no longer available in 
the non-free branch of the Debian Stretch repository...?

On a regular update of my system last Friday or Saturday, that package 
was automatically removed from my system.

I seem unable to reinstall the package from the unstable repository, 
because of a dependency problem related to the xserver-xorg-core 
package... ( version installed is: 2:1.19.0-2 but version 2:1.18.99 
would be required, and does not seems available.)

Is this a temporary problem, or has support for the legacy driver been 
dropped from Debian Stretch...?

Best regards,

Mr Yvan Laguë

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