Bug#848893: nvidia-settings: When launching "nvidia-settings" -- "undefined symbol error"

Brian Holaday brian at codemonkeyrawks.net
Thu Dec 29 06:39:17 UTC 2016

Hi Andreas,

I did some general looking/testing (I am a python/web coder but really
don't know gtk directly but am able to test a few things):

I did a file check:
A. It looks like .nvidia-settings-rc does not get created when running 367.57
yet 375.26.1 does after launch.

I did a library check: (seems to have an issue loading)
B. Testing nvidia-settings using the library directly #nvidia-settings -I
/usr/lib/libnvidia-gtk3.so.367.57 , results in the same error.

I did a command line check: see if the nvidia-driver is working:
C. Testing nvidia-smi, #nvidia-smi, the nvidia modules appear to load just
fine so *it must be a gtk or library related issue under **/usr/lib/

Looking at the sid branch:
it seems like there was quite a few changes to go though, That is something
a little beyond my build experience.

One Solution:
As far as installing the driver 375.26.1 on Jessie like you suggested it
all works fine (nvidia-settings) works fine.
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