NEW processing of nvidia-graphics-drivers*

Luca Boccassi luca.boccassi at
Thu May 26 13:18:31 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2016-05-24 at 13:20 +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> Dear ftp-masters,
> nvidia-graphics-drivers(-legacy-*) is sitting in NEW for several weeks
> now, waiting for binary-NEW processing in experimental/non-free.
> It would be great if these could be handled, s.t. we can continue our
> work on the packaging of new upstream releases.
> Thanks
> Andreas

Dear ftp-masters,

If I may add on top of what Andreas wrote, at the moment testing and
unstable (and jessie-backports) are completely uncovered in terms of
security fixes. The 352 branch that we ship there and can't upgrade from
until the NEW queue is cleared has been deprecated [1].
If a CVE is published and a fix released, it will happen in the 361
release, which we have ready in SVN but cannot proceed to upload.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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