Bug#844041: nvidia-cuda-toolkit: does not build when using eatmydata and overlayfs (cannot create /dev/tty)

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Thu Feb 9 10:36:05 UTC 2017

retitle 844041 nvidia-cuda-toolkit: does not build when using eatmydata and overlayfs (cannot create /dev/tty)
severity 844041 wishlist
found 844041 8.0.44-3

I can reproduce this again (see attach), when using both eatmydata and overlayfs.

I think overlayfs is to blame here. It is certainly not a bug when a
package fails to build because of this, but in several cases (for example,
an unorthodox orig tarball which does not have directory entries), the
failure can be avoided in the affected package without waiting for
this to be fixed in the kernel.

So I think this would still make sense as a wishlist, just in case
somebody finds a workaround. I'm using a different title to reflect
this, and I'm also removing the "FTBFS" thing, because this is not a
real FTBFS bug.

I hope this is acceptable to you.

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