Bug#686277: (stretch) Legacy 340xx driver for 8400 GS Nvidia non funtional

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sun Jul 2 14:23:21 UTC 2017

On 2017-07-02 15:29, Wolfgang Schnitker wrote:
> I just upgraded 2 boxes with an 8400 GS graphic card to stretch. One of
> them an AMD64 and one an i386 box.
> Previously I had both boxes running with the latest kernel from BPO
> together with nvidia-legacy-340 driver from BPO.

You posted this to a completely unrelated bug report. If I understood
correctly, you had a working jessie+jessie-backports setup. Something
the original reporter did not achieve.

You should have opened a new bug report by running
  reportbug nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver
on one of the systems in *broken* state.
  reportbug -N XXXXXX
on the other one, replacing XXXXXX with the number of the new bug report.

This would have collected information that could have helped us to debug
your situation and improve the packaging if needed.
Unfortunately my crystal ball is broken.

* There should be no need to edit any configuration files manually.
* The current and all legacy drivers can be installed on a machine, but
  only one can be active at a time. (Useful for live systems etc.)
* If you install both nvidia-driver and nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver, you
  need to use
    update-glx --config nvidia
  to activate the non-default one (i.e. the legacy version).
* Given your "part #2 post", I assume your problems to be fixed.


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