nvidia-cuda-toolkit availability

Tristan Crockett tristan.crockett at outlook.com
Mon Apr 23 23:03:48 BST 2018


I wouldn't normally annoy maintainers about a package, but I've recently built a new Kali Hashcat machine and discovered I cannot install CUDA as the package was removed yesterday [[2018-04-23] nvidia-cuda-toolkit 9.1.85-3 removed from kali-rolling <http://pkg.kali.org/news/329607> (Kali Repository)]. http://pkg.kali.org/pkg/nvidia-cuda-toolkit
Kali Linux Package Tracker - nvidia-cuda-toolkit<http://pkg.kali.org/pkg/nvidia-cuda-toolkit>
[2018-01-17] nvidia-cuda-toolkit 9.0.176-2 imported into kali-rolling (Kali Repository) [2017-11-28] nvidia-cuda-toolkit 8.0.61-3 imported into kali-rolling (Kali Repository)

I notice historically, there can be some time between new package versions availability. Is anyone able to give a time frame on when the nvidia-cuda-toolkit package will be available again please?

Thanks in advance!

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