Bug#885709: nvidia-settings: libgtk{2,3} dependencies need updating

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Fri Jan 12 14:11:20 UTC 2018

On 2018-01-12 11:25, Graham Inggs wrote:
> On 12/01/2018 02:45, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>> The most generic solution would probably be to split nvidia-settings
>> into three packages: nvidia-settings, libnvidia-gtk2, libnvidia-gtk3
>> and drop any gtk dependency magic we currently have.
> That would work, but I still don't like the idea as these "shared
> libraries" or "plugins" are only used by nvidia-settings and aren't
> shared with anything else and would just waste in the archive metadata.
> Besides, I expect the gtk2 version to fall away at some point.

Disk is cheaper than brain :-)

> So, although no change is needed in Debian right now, I do think the
> regexes on (>= 2.8.0) and (>= 3.0.0) are a little fragile and either
> should be relaxed, or should fail if no match is found so at least an
> unexpected change can be caught.

doing all the dependency manipulation in sed (*UNTESTED*),
(drop the manual libgtk deps in d/control):

s/(^[^:]*:)/\1 GTK3 | GTK2,/
s/(GTK2)(.*)(libgtk2.0-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/
s/(GTK3)(.*)(libgtk-3-0 \([^\)]*\))/\3\2/

but not doing fancy things is much less fragile ...

branch WIP/split-gtk contains a commit doing the package split and
removing the fragile magic. (There are no breaks+replaces, this is
intended to be introduced with a new upstream release which renames the
moved files.)


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