Current instructions for, and state of, NVidia driver repackaging.

Luca Boccassi bluca at
Sat Jun 16 17:01:27 BST 2018

On Wed, 2018-06-13 at 23:03 -0500, Roman Hargrave wrote:
> For support and testing reasons, I need to use quite literally the
> latest
> NVidia drivers.
> Prior to the alioth repository closure, I had been maintaining a
> local debian
> repository of the latest nvidia drivers for my machines, packaged
> with
> pkg-nvidia.
> After the closure, I have not been able to locate what appears to be
> the
> correct packaging source and scripts on salsa.
> If anyone that is part of the maintainer group could point me in the
> right
> direction, I would appreciate that. You may also wish to update
> _from_SVN.

The repository is in the process of being converted to git, no ETA
right now.

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi
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