Bug#900248: The proposed patch in nvidia conf fix DRI but many other problems remains

Jiri Palecek jpalecek at web.de
Thu Jun 28 18:16:33 BST 2018


On 6/28/18 12:54 PM, Eric Valette wrote:
> Just a quick note to say that indeed the proposed patch to look for 
> DRI modules at the right place is working. However, I have a bunch of 
> other problems since driver update even with the fix in place:
>   * Sddm does not start. I get only a black screen with the mouse
>     pointer. I have should check but I think I have a backtrace that
>     points to qtRenderGlthread that is crashing in systemd-nss lib,
>   * using lightdm and using plasma I'm able to get back to my kde
>     environment however the kde setup takes ages to start (and I have
>     no more the DRI message in Xorg.0.log),
>   * The lock screen also takes ages to start, black screen for 30s or
>     so with keyboar input or mous move not working,
>   * Launching Kodi, takes 40s but is fluid afterwards
>   * Checked both glxinfo, vdpau info : all normal,
Are you using xserver 1.20 from unstable or 1.19.6 from testing? I've 
had similar problems when I updated, and they went away when I 
downgraded xserver-xorg-core.


    Jiri Palecek

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