Nvidia 410 driver from Sid to Buster

Emmanuel Quemener emmanuel.quemener at ens-lyon.fr
Tue Mar 12 09:02:18 GMT 2019


I've seen that the last update of Nvidia 410 driver is 1 month long.

Why did it no migrate to testing Buster distribution ?

This driver is very important : it's the only way to use last RTX boards 
which are available for 6 month.

I got several RTX board and near from 80 different graphical boards 
available. If I can help in testing some package, please ask !

Best regards.

Dr Emmanuel QUEMENER                                Tel.: 04 72 72 86 33
Centre Blaise Pascal
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, allee d'Italie, 69364 Lyon             Emmanuel.Quemener at ens-lyon.fr
"Il est grand temps de remplacer l'ideal du succes par celui du service"
  Albert Einstein

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