Bug#924488: CUDA 10.1 is now available

Graham Inggs ginggs at debian.org
Mon Mar 25 14:03:38 GMT 2019

Hi Andreas

On 2019/03/23 13:52, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> I've pushed a 10.1 branch to git and repack the upstream tarball now
> differently. Most general changes were applied in 9.2/10.0 uploads...
> Especially the new packages nsight-compute (since 10.0), nsight-systems
> (since 10.1) will need some more testing.

Thanks for your work on this.

Are the upstream tarballs likely to change?  If I were to upload to 
Ubuntu proper and they did, it would get messy, unless you were prepared 
to add +ds1 or so to the tarball version.

I tested up to commit 17301b85 in PPA builds in Ubuntu and got the 
following failures:


dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library libSM.so.6 needed by 
(ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64' abi: '0201003e00000000'; RPATH: 
dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find library libICE.so.6 needed by 
(ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64' abi: '0201003e00000000'; RPATH: 


# remove tracking images
find \
	build/doc/html \
	build/extras/CUPTI/doc/html \
	build/extras/Sanitizer/docs \
     -name '*.html' -exec sed -r -i \
	-e '\,http://omniture.nvidia.com/b/ss/nvidiacudadocs/1/H.17--NS/0, { 
s,(<noscript>),<!-- \1,; s,img src,img DISABLED,; s,(</noscript>),\1 
-->, }' \
	-e 's,(<script type="text/javascript" 
\1DISABLED\2 -->,' \
	-e 's,(<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" 
\1DISABLED\2 -->,' \
	{} +
find: ‘build/extras/CUPTI/doc/html’: No such file or directory
find: ‘build/extras/Sanitizer/docs’: No such file or directory

I was able to work around the amd64 failure with the following change:

--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
   libnss3-dev [!ppc64el],
   libpulse-dev [!ppc64el],
   chrpath [!ppc64el],
+# for nsight-systems
+ libsm6 [!ppc64el],
+ libice6 [!ppc64el],
  # for nvidia-openjdk-8-jre
   libasound2 [amd64],
   libgl1 [amd64],

What else is required for an upload to experimental?  My next step is to 
rebuild all reverse dependencies in my PPA.


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