Bug#944229: nvidia-driver: Lenovo thunderbolt not working

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Wed Nov 6 17:23:49 GMT 2019

Control: tag -1 upstream moreinfo

On 06/11/2019 12.21, ganomi wrote:
> Environment:
> Thinkad X1 Extreme gen2
> ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Workstation Dock
> - Thunderbolt to Docking station
> - DP port from Docking to 4K LG monitor
> nvidia-driver from Experimental 435.21-2
> Issue:
> When I plug in docking station the screen is recognized but it does not turn
> on.
> I am not experiencing this issue with nvidia-driver from SID.
> If I use thunderbolt cable directly to monitor, there is also no issue.

There is nothing we can do about it.
Quoting from the README in the package:


The NVIDIA graphics driver is a non-free closed-source product. Therefore
the package maintainers are limited to fixing bugs in the packaging.
Bugs in the "graphics functionality" like graphical distortions,
performance regressions, hardware support, ... can only be fixed upstream
and should be reported directly to NVIDIA because this includes collecting
system information (with the nvidia-bug-report.sh script that is included
in the nvidia-driver package) on the affected system.
NVIDIA's bug reporting instructions can be found here:

You may additionally report the problem in the distribution's bug tracker,
but please include a link the related thread(s) in the NVIDIA forum.


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