RM: gcc-8, superseded by gcc-9

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Thu Apr 2 00:54:31 BST 2020

Hi doko,

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 08:33:55 +0100 Matthias Klose <doko at debian.org> wrote:
> Please remove gcc-8, gcc-8-cross and gcc-8-cross-ports. superseded by gcc-9

unfortunately I have to veto the removal of gcc-8 since we still need it
for nvidia-cuda-toolkit. There is no strict dependency on gcc-8 since it
is ored with clang-X (with X <= 7), but the package sitting in NEW will
change that.
The uninstallability of gcc-8 has shown that this ored dependency is not
really helpful for packages in contrib Build-depending on
nvidia-cuda-toolkit since clang is not a drop-in replacement. (I noticed
eztrace-contrib to FTBFS, I expect all other reverse build-depends of
nvidia-cuda-toolkit to do the same.)

The situation does not seem to resolve with the cuda tookit 10.2 (not
yet packaged), since (third-party) documentation suggests that still
only gcc <= 8 is supported: https://gist.github.com/ax3l/9489132

If it needs be, I'll have to step in and adopt a stripped down src:gcc-8
(only gcc and g++ frontends, only amd64 and ppc64el) after all non-cuda
rdepends are gone to keep it around until a newer CUDA release supports
current compilers.


PS: I don't mind if gcc-8-doc goes away

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