Bug#940926: More info

TarotApprentice tarotapprentice at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 7 21:05:27 GMT 2020

After install latest kernel from Buster-backports (5.4.8-1~bpo10+1) and latest nvidia-kernel-dkms (430.64-4~bpo10+1) it will at least boot into 1024x768 resolution. No other resolutions are available.

Grub videoinfo shows EDID version 1.3 and multiple resolutions supported including the monitors native resolution which is preferred.

Doing an xrandr-q command only shows 1024x768 res. It would appear X11 hasn’t been passed the available EDID info from the driver.

I also tried installing the nvidia-kernel-dkms from bullseye (440.44-2) which also is stuck in 1024x768 resolution.

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