Bug#934666: nvidia-cuda-toolkit: include cuda runtime for arm64

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Tue Jun 9 21:34:03 BST 2020

On 08/06/2020 09.03, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Do these work on Debian? Do you think that packaging these for Debian is
> possible with reasonable effort?

CUDA 11 will need quite some work. The .run file layout looks different
from what we have now. arm64 will not require much additional effort on
the cuda side - the layout looks the same as amd64 and ppc64el. But it
will initially need some work on the driver side (there is no standalone
driver 450.xx release, yet, for any architecture and so far there was
never a (Tesla) driver release for arm64). In the end it's (hopefully)
just one more architecture.

Will you have access to arm64+nvidia hardware that could test these


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