Bug#960163: nvidia-driver: x86/modules: Skipping invalid relocation

Allan Wind allan at yaxto.com
Mon May 11 04:24:38 BST 2020

The good news is that I have the nvidia module working again,
and it's probably a weird edge case:

(1) nvidia-drivers version 418.113-1 is not compatible with linux 
    4.19.0-5 headers and fail to load with relocation error, and
(2) When I was running 4.19.0-9-amd64 (with nouveau),
    `dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-dkms` rebuild the nvidia 
    module against the -5 headers and they ended up in 
    /lib/modules/4.19.0-9-amd64 which failed to load (i.e. (1)).

Since my attempt yesterday, I purged the -5 kernel, and
`dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-kernel-dkms` now failed with missing
headers.  I then purged the -5 headers and installed the -9 
headers and upon reboot nvidia module was loaded.

I purged linux-image-amd64 a while ago when I explored 
kernel/nvidia combinations as possible work-around for another bug 
#905309 (and #922497).  This meant that I didn't get -9 and hit 
(1) when I thought I was doing a low-risk (stable) upgrade.

Re (1) I don't know _if_ or _how_ Debian should address this
actually, it's incompatibility with the combination of 
nvidia-driver 418.113-1 and linux-headers-4.19.0-5 that only shows 
up at run-time on the subsequent reboot.

Re (2) seems like a straight build defect.  If linux-image version 
x is installed then linux-headers x is used to build a module
for linux-image y (probably as a fallback).  This fails
with a pre-build check if linux-image x not installed.


On 2020-05-11 00:29:37, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>On 10/05/2020 14.17, Allan Wind wrote:
>> No difference:
>> allan at vent:~$ uname -r
>> 4.19.0-9-amd64
>Please send dkms' make.log, probably located at
>Please try the modules I built in a clean buster environment from
>nvidia-kernel-source for the latest buster kernel: install
>and remove nvidia-kernel-dkms (to remove the broken build; this will
>remove make.log, too, so save it first)
>If that works, something is broken in your environment w.r.t building
>modules, but I'm not sure how to diagnose ... your gcc-10 experiments
>could be related.
>What do these commands say?
>gcc-8 --version
>ld --version

Allan Wind
Yaxto - Runs Your Business

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