Bug#969258: nvidia-driver: Graphical performance drop in both XFCE and OpenGL apps since the nvidia-driver 450.57-3 update

Suppositoire suppositoire at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 08:46:32 BST 2020

Hi Andreas, and thank you for your answer.

In fact, I don't use the XFCE compositor, but Compton instead.

When I experienced the problem, I tried to disable it to see if it made 
a difference, but it was extremely minimal: windows movement were 
slightly less jerky, and OpenGL games were still unplayable or crashing.

Since it made no difference, I doubt it is usefull, but here is the 
command I'm using to start Compton : __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=0 
compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --glx-no-stencil 
--glx-no-rebind-pixmap --vsync opengl-swc

I've installed KDE Plasma 5 and gave it a try, and it looks like all was 
running smoothly. So it may not be a nvidia-driver problem, but 
something related to XFCE (or my settings of it).


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